Helen Beatty, journalist of the Daily Mirror, a historic British tabloid, spent Christmas holidays in Naples to get to know her better and promote her with a review of her, indicative of prices and lots of tips for English tourists.
Pompeii, Herculaneum, San Gregorio Armeno, pizza and much more is addressed by the reporter.
To read the original article in full version click here: https://goo.gl/gTT41Z
Here is an excerpt of his article:
"Opening a door in Naples is a form of time travel. Nondescript entrances in side streets lead into Baroque masterpieces. Shops are tucked under medieval arches, houses tunnel into Roman remains.

...Naples is famously the home of pizza and, boy, do they take it seriously – from the chewiness of the crust and the woodfire taste right down to the burnt crispy bits.
‘‘We say there are three places for pizza – Michele, Sorbillo and Starita – but of course they are all good,” said a local, after we luckily beat the queues to Starita, just west of the archaeological museum...
Visit Naples:
...It seems odd, but the best place to start is down below. The Naples Underground tour (Tickets from €10) takes you from ancient Greek caves under the heart of Naples to a Roman theatre criss-crossed by someone’s kitchen and a B&B, right up to the tunnels where people hid in the Second World War."